HTC Vive & The Royal Academy

HTC Vive & The Royal Academy of Arts

World’s first 3d printed VR created artwork

Brand Activation/Art installation

3D file manipulation, 3D printing, modelmaking/fabrication.

Carbon Footprint
0.1 Tonnes, offset via tree planting in UK

Hope & Glory PR already had the overall concept on the table. Three Royal Academy Artists were to produce VR sculptural artworks. If these artworks could be 3D printed at scale it would be a World First and make for potentially massive PR hit. The Collaboration with The RA was lined up, but the means to 3D print anything at scale wasn't. Industry standard printers are insufficient to achieve such scale, without a significantly truncated process from VR file to final object. This stood to strip the Artists of their artistic freedom and jeopardise the authenticity of the concept. 

- Overcome the 3D printing obstacle in order to print sculptures at large scale and format (3m).

- To develop the project's concept and feasibility through close collaboration with RA Artists, Jesse Jetpacks, Adam Faramawy, and Elliot Dodd.

- To stress test early stage VR artworks and 3Dimensional printing.

- To generate newsworthy pieces of art, at a World First event to launch HTC Vive at The Royal Academy.